Tanja Mitrovic
Professor, Head of Department
B.Eng., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Erskine Building 202
Contact Details
Phone: +64 3 369 4269
Internal: 94269
Undergraduate Courses
COSC265 Relational Database Systems
INFO125 Introduction to Programming with Databases
Graduate Courses
COSC420 Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- The Handbook on Artificial Intelligence in Education is out!
- Recent invited talk,Distinguished Visiting Professors Series, Faculty of Education and Human Development, Education University of Hong Kong, (2023), The effect of nudges on video-based traning for soft skill
- Tanja was inducted as the new APSCE Fellow at ICCE 2022
- ICCE 2017 was held in Christchurch, 4-8 December 2017
- Read about our Marsden grant "Adaptive computer-based training for post-stroke rehabilitation" and the results
Research Interests
I am the leader of ICTG (Intelligent Computer Tutoring Group) (see also old Web page).
- Active Video Watching, a project on supporting active video watching with personalized nudges using the AVW-Space platform. Funded by Ako Aotearoa and the University of Canterbury.
- ASPIRE, an authoring system for constraint-based tutors
- SQL-Tutor, an Intelligent Tutoring System for SQL
- EER-Tutor an Intelligent Tutoring System for conceptual database design using the EER model
- NORMIT, an Intelligent Tutoring System for data normalization
A Virtual reality environment for rehabilitation of prospective memory
- CV.
- My earlier work on INSTRUCT, Object-Oriented GIS and Machine Learning is also available.
Recent papers:
- Galster, M., Mitrovic, A., Malinen, S., Holland, J. (2024) Video-based Training for meeting communication skills. Proc. 46th Int. Conf. on Software Engineering: Software Engineering Education and Training (SEET 2024), April 14-20, Lisbon, Portugal. ACL Distinguished paper award.
- Clarke, A., Mitrovic, A. Explaining Problem Recommendations in an ITS. Proc. Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS 2024, LNCS 14798, pp. 291-299. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-63028-6_23
- Mitrovic, A., Galster, M., Malinen, S., Holland, J., Lumapas, R. V., Mohammadhassan, N., Musa, J. (2023) Effectiveness of video-based training for communication skills: evidence from a three-year study. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 23(4), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1145/3631532.
- Matthias Galster, Antonija Mitrovic, Sanna Malinen, Sreedevi Sankara Iyer, Jaafaru Musa, and Jay Holland. 2024. Video-based Training for Meeting Communication Skills. In 46th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering Education and Training (ICSE-SEET 2024), April 14 � 20, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3639474.3640080
- Matthias Galster, Antonija Mitrovic, Sanna Malinen, Jay Holland, Pasan Peiris (2023) Soft skills required from software professionals in New Zealand. Information and Software Technology, 107232, ISSN 0950-5849.
- Mitrovic, A., Holland, J. (2022) How much support is necessary for self-regulated learning? Iyer, S et al. (Eds.) Proc. 30th Int. Conf on Computers in Education ICCE 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Nov 28 � Dec 2, pp. 101 - 110.
- Mohammadhassan N., Mitrovic A. (2022) Investigating the effectiveness of visual learning analytics in Active Video Watching. In: Rodrigo, M.M., Matsuda, N., Cristea, A.I., Dimitrova, V. (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Education, Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 13355, pp. 127-139. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-11644-5_11
- Tahir, F., Mitrovic, A., Sotardi, V. (2022) Investigating the Causal Relationships between Badges and Learning Outcomes in SQL-Tutor. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 17(7) (Open access)
- Mohammadhassan, N., Mitrovic, A., Neshatian, K. (2022) Investigating the Effect of Nudges for Improving Comment Quality in Active Video Watching. Computers & Education, 176, 104340 (open access)
- Aust, J. Pons, D. Mitrovic, A. (2022) Evaluation of Influence Factors on the Visual Inspection Performance of Aircraft Engine Blades. Aerospace, 9, 18.
- Dimitrova, V., Mitrovic, A. Choice Architecture for Nudges to Support Constructive Learning in Active Video Watching. Int. J. Artificial Intelligence in Education. Online first 24 August 2021 (open access)
- Mohammadhassan N., Mitrovic A. (2022) Discovering Differences in Learning Behaviours During Active Video Watching Using Epistemic Network Analysis. In: Wasson B., Z�rg? S. (Eds.) Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. ICQE 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1522, pp. 362-377. Springer, Cham
- Aust, J., Mitrovic, A., Pons, D. (2021) Comparison of Visual and Visual�Tactile Inspection of Aircraft Engine Blades". MDPI Aerospace, Special issue on Aircraft fault detection, 8(11), 313. https://www.mdpi.com/2226-4310/8/11/313/pdf
- Aust, J., Mitrovic, A., Pons, D. (2021) Assessment of the Effect of Cleanliness on the Visual Inspection of Aircraft Engine Components: An Eye Tracking Study. MDPI Sensors, 21 (18), 6135, Special issue on Eye tracking techniques, applications and challenges.
- Aust, J., Shankland, S., Pons, D., Mukundan, R., Mitrovic, A. (2021) Automated Defect Detection and Decision-Support in Gas Turbine Blade Inspection. Aerospace, 8(2), 30 (open access)
- Mitrovic, A., Holland, J. (2020) Effect of Non-mandatory Use of an Intelligent Tutoring System on Students� Learning. In I. Bittencourt et al. (Eds.): Proc. Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence in Education AIED 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 12163, pp. 386.397. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52237-7_31
- Mohammadhassan, N., Mitrovic, A., Neshatian, K., Dunn, J. (2020) Automatic quality assessment of comments in active video watching using machine learning techniques. In: So, H.J. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education, pp. 1-10. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. ISBN978-986-97214-5-5. Nominated for the Best overall paper and Best student paper awards.
- Tahir, F., Mitrovic, A., Sotardi, V. (2020) Investigating the Effects of Gamifying SQL-Tutor. In: So, H.J. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education, pp. 416-425. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. ISBN978-986-97214-5-5. Nominated for the Best overall paper and Best student paper awards.
- Mitrovic, A., Gordon, M., Piotrkowicz, A., Dimitrova, V. (2019) Investigating the effect of adding nudges to increase engagement in active video watching. In: S. Isotani et al. (Eds.) Proc. 20th Int. Conf. AIED 2019, LNAI 11625, pp. 320-332, Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Fabic, G., Mitrovic, A., Neshatian, K. Evaluation of Parsons problems with menu-based self-explanation prompts in a mobile Python tutor. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 29(4), 507-535, 2019. Online first 10.1007/s40593-019-00184-0
- Chen, X., Mitrovic, A., Mathews, M. (2019) Investigating the Effect of Agency on Learning from Worked Examples, Erroneous Examples and Problem Solving. IJAIED, 29(3), 396-424. First online 23 May 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40593-019-00179-x
- Chen, X., Mitrovic, A., Mathews, M. (2019) Learning from Worked Examples, Erroneous Examples and Problem Solving: Towards Adaptive Selection of Learning activities. IEEE TLT, vol. 12. 10.1109/TLT.2019.2896080
- Taskin, Y., Hecking, T., Hoppe, H.U., Dimitrova, V., Mitrovic, A., Characterizing comment types and levels of engagement in video-based learning as a basis for adaptive nudging. ECTEL 2019, Delft, 16-19 September 2019, LCNS 11722, pp. 362-376.
- Tahir, F., Mitrovic, A., Sotardi, V. (2019) Towards adaptive provision of examples during problem solving. In:�Chang, M. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, pp. 57-62. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
- Fabic, G. V. F., Mitrovic, A., & Neshatian, K. (2018) Investigating the effects of learning activities in a mobile Python tutor for targeting multiple coding skills. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning,�13(1), 23.
- Abolkasim E., Lau L., Dimitrova V., Mitrovic A. (2018) Diversity Profiling of Learners to Understand Their Domain Coverage While Watching Videos. In: Pammer-Schindler V., Perez-Sanagustin M., Drachsler H., Elferink R., Scheffel M. (eds) Lifelong Technology-Enhanced Learning. EC-TEL 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11082. Springer, Cham (pp 561-565).
- Mitrovic, A., Dimitrova, V., Lau, L., Weerasinghe, A., Mathews, M. (2017) Supporting Constructive Video-based Learning: Requirements Elicitation from Exploratory Studies. In: E. Andre, R. Baker, X. Hu, M. Rodrigo, B. du Boulay (Eds.), Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence in Education, LNAI 10331, pp. 224-237.
- Dimitrova, V., Mitrovic, A., Piotrkowicz, A., Lau, L., Weerasinghe, A. (2017) Using Learning Analytics to Devise Interactive Personalised Nudges for Active Video Watching . In: Bielikova, M., Herder, E., Cena, F., Desmarais, M. (Eds.) Proc. 25th ACM UMAP conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, 9-12 July 2017, pp. 22-31, ACM. ISBN: 978-1-4503-4635-1
- Hecking, T., Dimitrova, V., Mitrovic, A., Hoppe, U. Using Network-Text analysis to characterise learner engagement in active video watching. In: Chen W. et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2017, Christchurch, 4-9 December 2017, pp. 326-335. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Best Technical Design Paper Award
- Fabic, G., Mitrovic, A., Neshatian, K. A comparison of different types of learning activities in a mobile Python tutor. In: Chen W. et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2017, Christchurch, 4-9 December 2017, pp. 604-613. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Best Student Paper Award.
- Mitrovic, A., Gostomski, P., Herritsch, A., Dimitrova, V. (2017) Improving presentation skill sof first-year engineering students using Active Video Watching. In: N. Huda, D. Inglis, N. Tse, G. Town (Eds.) Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2017), Sydney, 10-13 December 2017, pp. 809-816. ISBN: 978-0-646-98026-3
- Mitrovic, A., Dimitrova, V., Weerasinghe, A., Lau, L. (2016) Reflexive experiential learning using active video watching for soft skills training. In: Chen, W. et al. (Eds.) Proc. 24th Int. Conf. Computers in Education, pp. 192-201. Mumbai, India. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (ASPCE)
- Mitrovic, A., Mathews, M., Ohlsson, S., Holland, J., McKinlay, A. (2016)
Computer-based post-stroke rehabilitation of prospective memory. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 5(2), 204-214.
- Galvez, J., Guzman, E., Conejo, R., Mitrovic, A., Mathews, M. (2016) Data Calibration For Statistical-Based Assessment in Constraint-Based Tutors. Knowledge-Based Systems, 97 issue C, 11-23, Elsevier.
- Mitrovic, A. & Suraweera, P. Teaching Database Design with Constraint-based Tutors. Int. J. Artificial Intelligence in Education, 26(1), 448-456, 2016.
- Mitrovic, A. & Ohlsson, S. Implementing CBM: SQL-Tutor after fifteen years . Int. J. Artificial Intelligence in Education, 26(1), 150-159, 2016.
- Hong, J.K., Mitrovic, A., Neshatian, K. Predicting Quitting Behaviour in SQL-Tutor. In: H. Ogata, W. Chen, S.C. Kong, F. Qiu (Eds.) Proc. 23rd Int. Conf. ICCE 2015, pp. 37-45, APSCE, ISBN 978-4-9908014-5-8. Best student paper award.
- Shareghi Najar, A., Mitrovic, A., McLaren, B. Examples and tutored problems: adaptive support using assistance scores. Proc. 24th Int. Joint conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, July 25-31 2015, pp. 4317-4323
- Ahmadi, A., Mitrovic, A., Najmi, B., Rucklidge, J. TARLAN: A Simulation Game to Improve Social Problem-Solving Skills of ADHD Children. In: C. Conati, N. Heffernan, A. Mitrovic, F. Verdejo (Eds.) Proc. 17th Int. Conference AIED 2015, LNAI 9112, pp. 328-337, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-19773-9_33
- Mitrovic, A. & Suraweera, P. Teaching Database Design with Constraint-based Tutors. Int. J. Artificial Intelligence in Education, 25(4). 10.1007/s40593-015-0084-6
- Elmadani, M., Mitrovic, A., Weerasinghe, A., Neshatian, K. Investigating Student Interactions with Tutorial Dialogues in EER-Tutor. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 10(1). Springer, 2015. http://www.springer.com/-/0/AU7mQWC9xIV6JZQW6d_P
- Mitrovic, A. & Ohlsson, S. Implementing CBM: SQL-Tutor after fifteen years. Int. J. Artificial Intelligence in Education, 25(4). Available online 28.5.2015. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40593-015-0049-9
- Mitrovic, A., Mathews, M., Ohlsson, S., Holland, J., McKinlay, A., Ogden, S., Bracegirdle, A., Dopping-Hepenstal, S. From Tutoring to Cognitive Rehabilitation: Exploiting CBM to Support Memory Training. In: C.-C. Liu, H. Ogata, S. C. Kong, A. Kashihara (Eds.) Proc. 22nd Int. Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2014, Nara, Japan, 30.11-4.12.2014, pp. 32-41, Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. http://icce2014.jaist.ac.jp/icce2014/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ICCE2014-Main-Proceedings-lite-1.pdf
- Westerfield, G., Mitrovic, A., Billinghurst, M. Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Motherboard Assembly, Artificial Intelligence in Education, 25(1), 157-172, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s40593-014-0032-x
- Shareghi Najar, A., Mitrovic, A., McLaren, B. Adaptive support versus alternating worked examples and tutored problems: Which leads to better learning? In: V. Dimitrova et al. (Eds.) Proc. 22nd Conf. User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization, 7-11.7.2014, Denmark, LNCS 8538, pp. 171�182, 2014. Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. James Chen Best Student Paper Award.
- Amalathas, S., Mitrovic, A., Ravan, S. Decision-Making Tutor: Providing on-the-job training for oil palm plantation managers. Research and Practice in Technology-Enhanced Learning RPTEL, 7(3), 131-152, APSCE, 2012.
- Mitrovic, A., Ohlsson, S., Barrow, D. The effect of positive feedback in a constraint-based intelligent tutoring system. Computers & Education, vol. 60, no 1, 264-272, 2013.
- Westerfield, G., Mitrovic, A., Billinghurst, M. Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Assembly Tasks. In: H. C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, O. Pavlik (Eds.): Proc. 16th Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence in Education, LNAI 7926, pp. 542-551. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)
- Mitrovic, A. Fifteen years of Constraint-Based Tutors: What we have achieved and where we are going. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, vol. 22(1-2), 39-72, 2012.
- Martin, B., Mitrovic, A., Koedinger, K., Mathan, S. Evaluating and Improving Adaptive Educational Systems with Learning Curves. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, vol 21, no 3, pp. 249-283, 2011. DOI 10.1007/s11257-010-9084-2, Winner of the 2011 James Chen award for the best UMUAI paper in 2011.
- Mitrovic, A., Martin, B. Suraweera, P., Zakharov, K., Milik, N., Holland, J., McGuigan, N. ASPIRE: an authoring system and deployment environment for constraint-based tutors. Artificial Intelligence in Education, 19(2), 155-188, 2009.
Professional activities
President of the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education(APSCE)(2020-2021)
General Chair of UMAP 2018
Past president of the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (2013-2015)
Associate editor
- Artificial Intelligence in Education journal
- Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning journal
Editorial Board Member
- UMUAI International Journal on User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction.
- TICL journal.
Journal reviewer
- IEEE Intelligent Systems.
- IJCEELL International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning.
- Computers & Education
- ACM COmputing Surveys
- Copmputers in Human Behavior
- IEEE Transactions on Education
- Information & Software Technology
- Interactive Learning Environments
- Annals of Cases on Information Technology (ACIT).
Program Co-Chair
- Educational Data Mining EDM 2022
- ICCE 2010 track on AIED/ITS
- ICCE 2009 track on AIED/ITS User Modeling 2005 conference
- ICCE 2008 track on AIED/ITS